Quick Facts

Population: 6,869 in district
Province: Guanacaste
City: Tamarindo
Time Zone: UTC-6
Activities: Surfing, MTB, Hiking, Fishing, Yoga & more
Climate: Dry Season – December to May; Green Season – May to November; Rainy Season – September & October.
Average Temperatures: Air – 28°C – 82.4°F / Water – 28.5°C – 83.3°F
Regional Airport: Tamarindo – 10 minutes away
International Airport: Liberia – 60 minutes away
Distance to San Jose: 258 KM, 4-5 hour drive

Costa Rica Lifestyles

The north Pacific Coast of Guanacaste offers one of the most diversified Costa Rica lifestyles the world can offer. Between the unique beaches and lush land, living in Tamarindo or its surrounding areas is the essence of what we look for when seeking out a better way of living.

Our coast is comprised of communities of sports and nature enthusiasts with the common goal of health, fun, and wellness.

The beauty of the natural environment and wildlife will blow your mind on a daily basis in and out of the water.

Tamarindo beach is the highlight of the Pacific Coast and draws in international tourists all year around. With plenty to do from the sea to land Tamarindo is always moving! From here you can enjoy fishing, surfing, hiking, yoga, golf and more!

We are so lucky to call this place our own and hope that we can share the beauty of Costa Rica with you soon.

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Contact us if you need more information about Tamarindo beach and/or if you are looking to move to Costa Rica. Our dedicated team will not only assist you in the buying process of your new property, we will provide you will all the essentials for transitioning your family to Costa Rica!

If you are undecided about moving to Costa Rica contact us and we can answer any questions you may. Guanacaste offers great health care, international US & CR accredited schooling, Spanish instructors, Fitness and more.

You will see why we have made this beautiful country our home!

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